fem-i-nism: n. 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests | dro-mo-man-i-a: compulsive longing for travel

Monday, July 04, 2005

permanent flee

my reasons for yearning to move to canada:

1. legal gay marriage
2. i can handle the rain in the british columbia province
3. canadians have WICKED senses of humour
4. adding a -u- to words like "colour" and "humour" makes for wicked fun spelling bees
5. hockey, hockey, and need i say hockey?

more coming soon. i am indeed planning my permanent exile to canada. i can get my MA and PhD in women's studies at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and even though the Cannucks (hockey team) piss me off, i can over look that to be permanently displaced in hockey lovers mecca. okay, mecca would be Toronto...but i don't think i can handle that much snow.


Blogger Gigs said...

Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. They aren't really flip flops, rather sandles that look like fli flops but don't make the Flop sound when you walk. Only when I was a student worker could I wear "flip flops" to work...sadness!

1:44 PM


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