went to see The Da Vinci Code last night with nathalie, and it was definately worth the 14.50 i paid to get in. stooopid blockbuster pricing. but yes, worth it. as per usual with movies made from books i covet, there are things i would have done differently had i been behind the camera calling the shots, but that's the bit of my brother in me. poor nath, though, english isn't her first language as i usually forget cause she speaks so well and only reads and writes in english, but there was a lot of terms and such in it that she didn't i explained a LOT of things to her during and after.
"i think i need to see it with dutch subtitles. or english ones would have helped."
course, she was one of the 12 people on the planet who hasn't read the book, so she's going to warehouse after her class to buy it. which, yay, after she's done, i can read it! *dances* then hopefully it'll come to campus movies, where i can pay 6 dollars to see it. *dances again*
it's nice doing things with nath, since soon it's just gonna be us. *sad face*
we did find out where our new flatmates are going to be from, or four of the five anyway. there will be another guy from germany, and then three girls from england, norway and turkey. norwegians are taking over my life.
i heart them, tho. so yay. i just hope these ones are on par the boys and mateja and annie and kristina and our crazy germans.
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