a response to prude parents
o, prude parents!
o, prude parents who don't want their children looking at naked pictures of celebrities online!
o, prude parents, why don't you watch what your ten-year old's do online if you don't want them looking at naked pictures?
o, prude parents, when will you learn that Daniel Radcliffe is NOT, in fact, Harry Potter?
o, prude parents, why must you bitch so?
o, prude parents, apparently Daniel Radcliffe is your son's hero!
o, prude parents, am i out of line?
o, prude parents, but shouldn't you let your children in on the knowledge that Daniel Radcliffe is NOT, in fact, Harry Potter?
o, prude parents, i know Harry Potter is popular!
o, prude parents, but why aren't you a contestant for your son's hero?
o, prude parents, Daniel Radcliffe will still be naked in Equiis despite you boycotting his films!
o, prude parents, if Daniel Radcliffe is your son's hero, they'll probably see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix just to spite you!
o, prude parents, ease off!
o, prude parents, Daniel Radcliffe is laughing at you so much right now!
o, prude parents, I will laugh too when the stink you caused will help Equiis ticket sales!
o, prude parents!
o, prude parents!
oh good call
I love how such reactions always result in huge publicity for said pictures/whatever
2:32 AM
Word. And you're so poetic Kika!
7:34 AM
Dude you really need to update more!!!
or at least email me & tell me what you're up to!?
6:31 PM
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