fem-i-nism: n. 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests | dro-mo-man-i-a: compulsive longing for travel

Monday, June 05, 2006


me and ina, me immitating her famous "crazy face"

ina's film was robbed!

for the 48-hour film festival, hundreds of teams around nz made short films within a 48 hour time frame. that's it, two days, and one second is too late to submit a film after the deadline. my daaaahling ina-bina made a GREAT film under crazy stress. i'm so proud of her for getting it in, and following the rules so well, which one of them was that a mirror had to be a notable prop. 'course some films copped out on this by having the "guy-looking-pensive-in-the-mirror" or a car mirror as their prop...

ina's group had the mirror tell the story, practically, as a real class way of showing a really well-shot "sex" scene. and the quotes are cause they had clothes on, which ina specifically points out everytime. i guess you might have to see it to get what i mean, but it was cool.

the winner of the "best use of prop" at the hamilton finals? a group who broke a mirror when the main character slips on a skateboard, sending it hurtling into the mirror.

l-a-m-e. and i swear i'm not just being defensive. that should have gone to ina's group. arg.

nevertheless, it was fun watching all the films. and i got free beer and snackies. score! ina walked away happy, so that was all that mattered.

i'm going to miss her.


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