fem-i-nism: n. 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests | dro-mo-man-i-a: compulsive longing for travel

Saturday, August 12, 2006

tidiness! couples! traveling! oh my!

we did a massive flat cleaning since, apparently, we no longer recieve the services of a house-keeper...it looks way nicer than if she'd done it anyway, so there. i even cleaned my room, and took pictures...i'll put them up soon, once i get some good shots of my flatties "living" in our tidy, tidy flat!!!

paulien and steve are on their way to bona fide coupledom, which is incredibly cute. it's a little strange that steve's appeared to get over Kristin so quick, but they never really were a "couple". anyway, it's cute and i'm happy for them. as for me, nothing has looked promising...the stupid boy from michigan from last semester spoiled me for guys anyway. so piss it.

study break is coming up soon! i think a trip to White Island, off the coast of Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty is in the works...other than that, not much else...since I don't have finals, i'm going to plan my trip to Taupo for late October, then down to Wellington. steve's talking a Coromandel trip again in September, and then a van trip to the Bay of Islands (north north North Island) before Annie and I fly home...shit...not thinking about that. this semester is racing along so damn quick!!! eeeeee!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this is a fine piece of juicy gossip if I've ever seen one, most fascinating indeed.

8:24 PM


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