waikato uni's midsemester break has fallen for this lucky exchange student. while TECHNICALLY a "spring break", i've got lots of shit to do. a-hem.
1. Finish reading Cunt and write a book review for it by next Wednesday (the due date WAS friday, but I asked for and got an extension)
2. Revise and seriously study Chinese (have test Monday 4 September)
3. Study for a Gender @ Work test (Thursday 7 September)
4. Conduct research for Researching Gender project
5. Meet with my group member for our G@W project (twice)
6. Catch up on Psych Journal (remember my kudos to myself when I was on top of that? yeah, that went to hell)
plus at some point during the break, nath, annie and hannah and i are planning a three day trip to Whakatane/White Island in the Bay of Plenty.
so i need to be muchos productivo these next weeks, people!
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