fem-i-nism: n. 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests | dro-mo-man-i-a: compulsive longing for travel

Thursday, August 17, 2006

they freaking got me.

at some point, i knew my flatmates would prank me back. so i've been hyper vigilant in the shower, in my room, etc.

however, apparently i left my keys in the door last night (which one, i don't really remember), and erlend and hannah snagged them and put them in the money jar, filled it with water and froze it.

a pretty good one, i admit. but they're gonna pay.


Blogger Brian EG Cook said...

muahahahahaha!! Always good to prank the Slub. Hee.

3:56 PM

Blogger Brian EG Cook said...

p.s. what a butt to not allow anonymous posts.

3:56 PM

Blogger Ina said...

God, you guys are hysterical! That was pretty good tho!

6:09 AM

Blogger vichchoobhai said...

Erlend and hannah are the pranksters of the year not only in newzealand but the whole wide world. Whoever could think of keeping the keys in a water jar and freezing it. Thye must get the Nobel prize for physics for proving that they can freeze keys.

Have a nice time in newzealand and always think of usa as a backward country because they have not shisfted the steering wheel to the right yet. hahahaha

4:24 AM

Blogger vichchoobhai said...

Erlend and hannah are the pranksters of the year not only in newzealand but the whole wide world. Whoever could think of keeping the keys in a water jar and freezing it. They must get the Nobel prize for physics for proving that they can freeze keys.

Have a nice time in newzealand and always think of usa as a backward country because they have not shifted the steering wheel to the right yet. hahahaha

4:24 AM


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