academic prognosis for this, the first week of May 2006:
monday: remember what i'm actually doing in new zealand: studying. wears avs jersey to celebrate playoff victory. go to history class and workshop, brief visit to the library to put a hold on the historical survey by Phillipa Mein Smith, and look into books from the Philosophy section that will help me with PHIL250 midterm paper. spend night, not necessarily studying, but watching Grey's Anatomy at Kristina's with Kristina, Annie and Nathalie.
tuesday: realize really must get the marked assignments from the FIC that have been there since before the break. have gotten A- on PHIL quiz on Locke (score, especially since i thought i bombed it), 19 out of 20 on History assignment (score, as i knew i OWNED that thing), A- on second round of Chinese workbook practice, and a solid B on my first Chinese test in almost two years (score, double score). find out book checked out from library will probably be no help. intimidated by the new Chinese tutor, who's mighty intense for such a small woman. gloat viciously that first-place detroit did not survive first round of playoffs, and 7th place avs did. gloat viciously a little more. sit in on a UN lecture in Jess, Alex and Tracey's 20th Century World History class, and wish i had taken that class instead of NZ History. realize i REALLY need to write this paper for PHIL (only about 1800 words...eeep). have dinner and sit down to gather sources for PHIL paper. write in LiveJournal/Blogger. will start PHIL paper, i swear.
wednesday: will write PHIL paper, i swear. 30% of grade. must write paper. have no choice. will also crash 20th Century World History again to hear lecture about women's and civil rights movements.
thursday: will turn in PHIL paper by 4:30 with feeling that I OWNED this paper. will decide on topic for History paper, and spend time in NZ Collection gathering materials for my proposal.
friday: will write my proposal and send it to History prof before noon. i swear.
long term prognosis: some stress, but level remains middling, at best.
treatment: weekend at the Coromandel Peninsula, where will not have to pay for accomodation or petrol...will contribute a pot of chili to the venture to show greatfulness to steve's parents.