oh, how i HEART eddie izzard!
so this is more or less how i'll be occupying my time now i'm done with school...
fem-i-nism: n. 1: the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests | dro-mo-man-i-a: compulsive longing for travel
so this is more or less how i'll be occupying my time now i'm done with school...
today was fairly productive. i'm pretty sure both my final papers will be done and ready to hand in by this time tomorrow, should i stay focused. i shall prevail! i'm going to go over both word count limits, but i don't care, so long as i get them in by 4:30 Tuesday afternoon.
Monday: Will write Psychology journal, and submit it. Hurrah, done with Psych! Will also hopefully meet with Carolyn about my paper for my Researching Gender class.
i signed up for CJ360, Women, Crime and Justice as an online class from December 18-January 12th. figure it'll give me a head start on getting myself back in line for school at home. plus, it's a class I'm supposed to take for my major, and it might cross reference for my minor as well. we shall see. might just mean a bit less pressure on my graduation deadline.
i just completed my last Hellish Thursday! no more 9-5 Thursdays for this girl! of course, i'm not even close to in the clear...i have two tests next week, a journal, a 2000 word report and a 4000 word report to get through before school is over and out of my hair. but i am OH-SO happy to not have any more Hellish Thursdays! for a while, anyway...